We'll be in touch!

We'll be in Touch!

We've got your contact information, so once we're able, we'll contact you!

Just to Let You Know...

For test results: while your tests may appear in our system, the results are not visible until your GP is able to review them . Once this is done, either your doctor or our nursing staff will contact you!

If you've requested a copy of your results, we can email them to your nominated address.

Please be advised that due to high demand, you may be waiting between 5-7 days if you have requested your COVID vaccine certificate!

If you've not heard from us within THREE (3) working days, please contact us by clicking HERE!

PLEASE NOTE: If you are following up on results for COVID, sexual health checks or infectious conditions, you MAY be notified by NSW Health FIRST. COVID results can ONLY be given by a doctor or NSW Health!

We'll be in touch shortly!
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