REBOOT Accreditation Submissions

Accreditation 2022 - More Info Required...

For a variety of reasons, the RACGP requirements for document submission for accreditation have changed (i.e. the most recent documents are required, rather than the most complete - this is a change due to the repeated postponement of our accreditation well past the last completed triennium.

You'll be asked to submit:

  • Your QI/CPD Statement from the RACGP for the CURRENT (2020-2022) triennium.
  • Your CPR certificate for the current triennium (or from within the last THREE (3) years).

You may need to organise these documents prior to returning to this page!

Please supply copies of these documents in PDF/JPEG/JPG format (each certificate can be downloaded from the respective certification body from their websites using your provider-specific log on).

You can use the links below to access and download copies:

Your Documents...

Please complete the following to submit your documents for accreditation:

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