Where to find results?

"Have my xrays come in" and other results questions

First and foremost, non-clinical staff must NOT ever give any clinical information over the phone, under any circumstances. You'll ALWAYS need to contact a nurse or doctor to have them discuss results with a patient.

Having said that, what you CAN do is let patient know if their results are in or not:

From the main window in Best Practice, click on the incoming reports button (two linked computers):

Once the Incoming Reports window is open, you can search for the patient using the 'Find Patient' box. If NOTHING is returned, open the patient's file in Best Practice. NB: results in the Incoming Reports have NOT been checked by the doctor, meaning a nurse can NOT issue them to a patient.
Once in the patient's file, navigate to investigations:
If the results have been received electronically, they will appear in the Investigation Reports folder. If they were faxed, they will appear in the Correspondence In folder.

If you check all three of these places and you can't find the results, then the tests haven't been completed yet!
OK, got it!
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