Last Friday, we said goodbye to Daniel Rathbone, Chantelle Berenger and Julie Nguyen. Dan has been with us since April 2018, as part of our long-running relationship with The Group Psychology Practice in Surry Hills.
Dan joined us initially to take over from Minh Nguyen-Hoan, who himself took over from Kevin O'Sullivan. He'll be moving to the Blue Mountains in the not-too-distant future, and while COVID has arguably made telehealth the new normal, the commute itself and juggling other commitments has meant that Dan has sadly had to say 'farewell'!
At the same time, our two registrars will also be departing - Julie to begin maternity leave, and Chantelle to begin working at the Pain Clinic at RPA. Both Julie and Chantelle's terms were sadly punctuated by COVID, and while we were grateful to have them continue with us, it did make the completion of their training just that much more difficult. Nevertheless, both managed to overcome the hurdles that GP Synergy, the RACGP and COVID placed in front of them, and it's to both their credit and Eddie Rice's perseverance they collectively managed to not only survive but thrive. We wish them well as the new chapters of both their lives begin, and hope to see them again soon!
While this is unlikely to be much of a noticeable difference, I'll no longer be off-site on Thursdays.
From 2nd Feb, I'll be on-site 9am - 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30pm - 6pm on Wednesdays, and 9am - 6pm on Fridays. Obviously, I'll still be contactable while off-site for tech support and any other queries.
For everything else, there's Mastercard...(?)
As mentioned in the previous bulletin, we will be undertaking accreditation this year. To get the paperwork out of the way early, please click HERE to begin submitting the general paperwork, which includes:
I'm hoping to have the majority of the minutiae out of the way by May, with the intention to have our site visit in June/July!
As has been widely addressed in both NSW Health and media circulars, the Government roll-out of COVID vaccines is due to begin at some point towards the end of February.
Last week, the call for general practices to submit Expressions of Interest in participating in this rollout came from the PHNs, raising a number of questions about the logistics of participating in such an ambitious task. There are a number of factors that will affect how this rollout takes place (some of which were outlined HERE), but we're hoping to have a more robust discussion on the matter on Thursday, 4th Feb at a combined practice meeting.
Please have a read of the EOI outline that was sent through WhatsApp (or use the link above) to review some of the options and challenges before the meeting!
Partly as a prelude to accreditation, but mostly to better house and maintain our vaccine stocks, the two vaccine fridges at the main site have been moved into what was formerly (and affectionately) referred to as 'The Closet'.
In addition, another large fridge will be arriving this week to help us maximise storage of our flu vaccines (and potentially COVID ones)!
A quick reminder that CTG registrations rolled over at the beginning of 2021, and many of your indigenous patients will now need to re-register with CSMP to qualify for the co-payment. Please send me a message in best Practice once you've had the general discussion about the benefits of CTG, and I'll take care of the paperwork!
Phone: (02) 9516 2944
Healthlink EDI: