New Patients - Start to Finish
New patients require a DOUBLE appointment so we can get a good medical history (Hx) to best look after them. To make a double appointment,
1. Either click or simply type in a free appointment slot in the appointment book in Best Practice. This will open the appointment window:
2. Click the
new patient button next to the search pane, then enter the
name and
CONTACT NUMBER, as well as the
(in this case, New Patient).
N.B: The appointment TYPE will automatically dictate the LENGTH of appointment.
3. Once you've entered the name and phone number, you'll need to configure the BP Comms system so you can SMS the patient to complete their registration form.
5. Click on BP Comms, and select the following options, then click OK.
6. Click Book Appointment to save the slot.7. Now, highlight the appointment you've created, and from the appointment book, click on Utilities, and choose send message:
From the window that appears, select the NEW PATIENT - Register SMS template, and click SEND.
Once the SMS has been sent, go BACK to the appointment book, and double-click on the appointment to modify the notes to indicate that you've sent the SMS for registration!
OK - next!