PLEASE NOTE: If you've
NOT visited CSMP before, your
Patients that elect to have a telehealth consult MUST have physically attended CSMP within the LAST TWELVE (12) months to qualify for a rebate, or be charged a full, non-rebatable fee.
Phone Consults are available for ALL patients, (medical needs permitting).
Your GP will contact you at the time of your booking (give or take a few minutes)!
Phone consults are available for eligible patients .
Some conditions can't be assessed over the phone, and so you may be asked to come in.
Video consults are available for ALL patients (medical needs permitting).
Your GP will contact you via SMS at the time of your booking (give or take a few minutes) to begin the video consult.
Similarly to a phone consult, video consults are available for eligible patients .
CSMP uses Health Direct Video Conferencing for our video consults - no download required!
Some conditions can't be assessed over video, and so you may be asked to come in.
We're constantly updating our information to help you make the best possible decisions about your care, but we know that information overload can be confusing.
Remember - you can request scripts/referrals or medical certificates, request a call about your results, and book appointments here - if your GP needs to discuss things further about your request, they'll be in touch!
Phone: (02) 9516 2944
Healthlink EDI: